I read a press release about a weight loss surgery practice in San Antonio, Texas. The article was short and interesting, but in the end, all I could think was these doctors are completely missing the point.
New Dimensions Weight Loss Surgery
The article was about New Dimensions Weight Loss Surgery, a surgical practice that specializes in bariatric surgery. The practice has recently begun to offer the new REALIZE Personalized Banding Solution.
The new REALIZE Personalized Banding Solution is a two part "solution" to weight loss. The first part is the surgery which consists of a surgeon implanting an adjustable gastric band. The second part is the support system, which is designed to motivate and provide support.
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Weight Loss Surgery
I am not a fan of weight loss surgery. People gain weight because of their brain and not their stomach. So, people will only lose weight when the issues in their brain are addressed. The key to permanent weight loss is behavior change.
Weight loss surgeries simply force you to eat less. The surgeries do not address the behavior change necessary to lose weight. They are a quick fix to a problem that cannot be solved with quick fixes. There are also many side effects and adverse events that are associated with these surgeries.
The REALIZE mySUCCESS patient support system
I am turned off by the weight loss surgery component of the REALIZE Personalized Banding Solution. However, I love the support component. The support system helps the patient change their lifestyle. It is designed to help the patient keep off the weight that they have lost.
If these surgeons were not so interested in making money, they would have realized that they could use the support system to help their patients lose weight also. This would be cheaper and safer for the patient. The weight loss would not occur as quickly, but it would be permanent.
You do not need surgery to lose weight. You need to change your behavior. Instead of "going under the knife", find or create a support system to help you lose and keep off the weight.
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