More than $30 billion each year is spent on diet remedies and aids. Estimates from national surveys show that at any given time twenty five to fifty percent of adults in American are on some sort of diet. Many people are looking to herbs to aid them in their weight loss.
Permanent weight loss, whether you choose herbs or another solution, requires a commitment to a healthier lifestyle in general to be successful. Common causes for obesity today are poor eating habits, lack of exercise as well as poor diet. Other contributing factors are glandular malfunction, hypoglycemis, diabetes, emotional tension, love of food and boredom. Poor nutrition may be an important factor in obesity. Inadequate intake of certain essential nutrients can cause fat to accumulate in the body. Food your body does not use or cannot use or can be a poison to your system can be stored in body tissues. This can cause water retention.
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Obesity can be a serious health problem. Americans are fatter and more stressed out than ever. Today Americans are no likelier to get regular exercise than they were ten years ago. Unhealthy choices in their diets also contribute to this problem.
Basically there are three approaches for managing weight through natural nutritional supplementation. Natural appetite suppressants are used to of course, control the appetite. Diuretic nutrients and herbs are used to decrease water retention. Lipotropic vitamins are used for their ability to reduce fat and cholesterol. These herbs and nutrients can aid with weight loss but once again permanent weight loss requires commitment to healthier lifestyle choices.
Herbs that are often recommended for aid in weight loss are yarrow, alfalfa, hydrangea, white ash, corn silk, hyssop, uva ursi, dandelion, juniper berries, gravel root, thyme, oat straw, seawrack, horsetail and parsley. These can be used as a tea for their diuretic properties.
Astragalus is recommended for increased energy and improving nutrient absorption. This herb should not be used if one has a fever. Aloe vera juice can cleanse the digestive tract, and is also recommended for improved digestion.
The next group of herbs is recommended to aid with weight loss because they aid in the metabolism of fat. Mustard seed, butcher's broom, green tea, cardamom, ginger, cayenne, Garcinia cambogia, and cinnamon that improve digestion and aid in the metabolism of fat. During pregnancy cinnamon should not be used in large quantities.
Guarana, ephedra, kola nut are appetite suppressants. Although it is a natural weight loss herb ephedra should not be used by those who suffer from anxiety, glaucoma, high blood pressure, insomnia, or heart disease. It also should be avoided if you are taking monoamine oxidase (MOA) inhibitor drug for depression.
Siberian ginseng aids in moving nutrients and fluids throughout the body. It also aids to reduce stress of adjusting to changes in new eating habits. This drug however should not be used if you have high blood pressure, heart disorder or hypoglycemia. Fenugreek is useful for breaking up fat in the liver. Fennel is a natural appetite suppressant and also removes fat and mucus from the intestinal track. These herbs help with weight loss in different ways.
This next group is recommended to stimulate the adrenal glands and improve thyroid function. That is how these herbs aid in weight loss. Licorice root, bladderwrack, sarsaparilla, borage seed, and hawthorn berry. Licorice can elevate blood pressure. It should not be used on a daily basis for more than seven days in a row. If you have high blood pressures do not use it.
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